Electroneedling in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries - Instema, Formación para fisioterapeutas

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  3. El segundo pago (50% restante) debe realizarse 15 días antes del inicio del curso. También se puede realizar el pago completo del curso en el momento de la matrícula.
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    • Electroneedling in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries
    • Electroneedling in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries
    • Electroneedling in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries
    • Electroneedling in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries

    Electroneedling in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries


    Myofascial Pain syndrome is one of the most common musculoskeletal ailments, since the musculoskeletal system is the way it shows imbalances
    and injuries.
    Treatment is often not correct due to erroneous diagnoses. This causes the athlete not to improve and generates recurrent periods of pain that prevents them from performing their
    sports activity, even often, affecting their basic activities of daily living (ABVD).

    It is necessary to know the symptoms of referred pain, to know the areas corresponding to each trigger point, to know how to differentiate trigger points into tight muscle bands and to diagnose the trigger points that generate a myofascial syndrome or active trigger points, derived from the most common injuries in the sport.

    Each lesion can be treated THROUGH ELECTROPUNCTURE using specific specialized techniques, but dry needling (so called because you do not inject any substance), is more
    effective for exclusive and deep treatment areas, also with a high level of efficiency and speed in reducing myofascial symptoms and getting the athlete to improve quickly.

    In this course, the treatment of injuries in athletes will be addressed through invasive physiotherapy and electropuncture (acupuncture needles). We will treat all types of injuries, learning to treat all the specific muscles in each injury.

    Electropuncture is a technique with extensive scientific evidence to treat sports injuries or not. In addition to being an effective technique, it is one of the best tools for the prevention, treatment and recovery of the patient in the shortest possible time.

    The course includes certification with the international endorsement of the postgraduate institute in manual therapy, INSTEMA


    Treatment of the most common injuries in the world of sports through dry needling and electropuncture, following a practical guide of which muscles are affected, associated biomechanical imbalances and correction of elements causing the injury by electropuncture.

    Theoretical part (20% course): assessment and specific explanation for each sports injury.
    Practical part (80% course): anatomy, safety considerations, diagnosis and technique of puncture and electropuncture of the causing or affected muscles in musculoskeletal injuries of the upper limb, lower limb and back

    The injuries that we are going to assess and treat in the course are:

    • Chronic ankle instability (sprain).
    • Anterior knee pain
    • Pubalgia
    • Muscle tear: hamstrings, rectus femoris.
    • Tendinopathies: Achillea, patellar.
    • Runner's waistband or TFL
    • Plantar fasciitis
    • Tibial periostitis.
    • ACL tear
    • Tennis elbow
    • Shoulder dislocation
    • Rotator cuff tendinosis
    • Nonspecific low back pain
    • Nonspecific neck pain


    • To analyze the characteristics of myofascial pain syndrome related to the most common injuries derived from sports and physical activity.
    • Know the pathophysiological functioning of the most common sports injuries, which allows an adequate use of the dry needling and electropuncture technique.
    • To propose a treatment guide using the dry needling and electropuncture technique in the approach to injuries.
    • Know the type of current to use, intensity, methods and treatment guides


