Juan José Boscà will soon be teaching the following courses around the world:
- Vertebral manipulations
- Peripheral manipulations
- Cervical pain, disc herniations, cervical pain, and radiculopathies
- Orthopedic Manual Therapy
- Low back pain, sciatica, and disc herniations
- Physical therapy for temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain
- Treatment of cervicogenic headaches
Would you like to learn about all their courses for national and international physiotherapists?
In the following list, you will find the coordinators for each country. Contact them to learn about the available training courses, dates, prices for each course, and how to make a reservation.
ONLINE COURSES 💻 – Reservations here
SPAIN 🇪🇸 – Reservations here
📍 Lima, Peru.
📞 Reservations and Registration: WhatsApp
✔️ February 13-15, 2025.
▶️ Lumbar Disc Herniations.
📍 Verona, Italy.
📧 info@3sformazione.it
📞 +39 3477157214 Contact: 3S Formazione – Federico & Giacomo
💻 Website
✔️ February 16-18, 2025.
▶️ Basic Vertebral Manipulations.
📍 Verona, Italy.
📧 info@3sformazione.it
📞 +39 3477157214 Contact: 3S Formazione – Federico & Giacomo
💻 Website
✔️ April 11-13, 2025.
▶️ Basic Vertebral Manipulations
📍 Roma, Italy.
📧 info@3sformazione.it
📞 +39 3477157214 Contact: 3S Formazione – Federico & Giacomo
💻 Website
✔️ May 2-4, 2025.
▶️ Basic Vertebral Manipulations
📍 Milan, Italy.
📧 info@3sformazione.it
📞 +39 3477157214 Contact: 3S Formazione – Federico & Giacomo
💻 Website
✔️ May 23-25, 2025.
▶️ Basic Vertebral Manipulations
📍 Sicily, Italy.
📞 +39 0909981363 Modus Formazione – Gianluca, Torregrotta
💻 Website
✔️ June 26-28, 2025.
▶️ Cranio-Cervical-Mandibular Dysfunction (TMJ)
📍 Verona, Italy.
📧 info@3sformazione.it
📞 +39 3477157214 Contact: 3S Formazione – Federico & Giacomo
💻 Website
✔️ June 29-July 1, 2025.
▶️ Advanced Vertebral Manipulations.
📍 Verona, Italy.
📧 info@3sformazione.it
📞 +39 3477157214 Contact: 3S Formazione – Federico & Giacomo
💻 Website
✔️ October 16-18, 2025.
▶️ Cervical Disc Herniations, Radiculopathies, and Acute Pain Treatment.
📍 Verona, Italy.
📧 info@3sformazione.it
📞 +39 3477157214 Contact: 3S Formazione – Federico & Giacomo
💻 Website
✔️ October 19-21, 2025.
▶️ Peripheral Manipulations
📍 Verona, Italy.
📧 info@3sformazione.it
📞 +39 3477157214 Contact: 3S Formazione – Federico & Giacomo
💻 Website
✔️ May 30 – June 1, 2025.
▶️ Peripheral Manipulations.
📍 Bosnia and Herzegovina
📞 +387 63 424 757 (Ivika)
💻 @edukacijskicentar_smartfizio.
✔️ June 3-8, 2025.
▶️ OMT Expert Seminars 13 and 14. Master’s Program Completion.
📍 Bosnia and Herzegovina
📞 +387 63 424 757 (Ivika)
💻 @edukacijskicentar_smartfizio.
✔️ May 16-18, 2025.
▶️ Physiotherapy Congress
📍 Mostar (NEDIM)
📞 +387 63 424 757 (Ivika)
💻 @edukacijskicentar_smartfizio.
✔️ June 20-22, 2025.
▶️ Vertebral Manipulations (Basic Level)
📍 Banja Luka.
📧 fizioterapeutirs@gmail.com
📞 +387 65 846 874 (Danijel)
💻 Association os phusioterapists Bosnia and Herzegovina and @edukacijskicentar_smartfizio
✔️ January 16-18, 2026.
▶️ Advanced Vertebral Manipulations.
📍 Mostar
📞 +387 63 424 757 (Ivika)
💻 @edukacijskicentar_smartfizio
📍 Dubai, UAE.
📧 drmohammedanfal@gmail.com
📞 +91 9846046668 Contact: Dr. Mohammed Anfal N
✔️ April 25-27, 2025.
▶️ Peripheral Manipulations.
📍 San José, Costa Rica.
📧 Therakinesis@gmail.com
📞 +506 8359 8858 ( César Benavides )
💻 @therakinesis
✔️ September 4-6, 2025.
▶️ Intensive Vertebral Manipulations.
📍 Florianopolis, Brazil.
📞 +55 48 98469 0262
💻 @evidenciafisioterapia
✔️ September 7-8, 2025
▶️ Peripheral Manipulations
📍 Florianopolis, Brazil.
📞 +55 48 98469 0262
💻 @evidenciafisioterapia
📍 Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil
📞 +55 22 9922 0990
💻 @osteoclinic.campos
✔️ November 14 – 16, 2025.
▶️ Spinal Manipulations (Basic Level)
📧 Reservations: balance.donika@gmail.com
📞 +7 707 915 7024
💻 WhatsApp link
✔️ November 17 – 19, 2025
▶️ Manual therapy in lumbar pathology. Lumbar disc Hernias – Radiculopathy Evaluation – Diagnosis – Treatment.
📧 Reservations: balance.donika@gmail.com
📞 +7 707 915 7024
💻 WhatsApp link
✔️ November 20 – 22, 2025.
▶️ Manual Therapy in cervical pathology. Cervical disc herniation – Radiculopathy – artrosis – Evaluation – diagnostic – tratment.
📧 Reservations: balance.donika@gmail.com
📞 +7 707 915 7024
💻 WhatsApp link
✔️ July 18-20, 2025
▶️ Treatment of Cervicalgia, Cervical Herniated Discs and Radiculopathy.
📍 Istanbul, Tukey.
📧 quadroathleticsteam@gmail.com
📞 Engin +90 533 572 42 66, Tunahan +90 554 672 56 34
✔️ December 19-20, 2025.
▶️ Vertebral Manipulations
📍 Qatar
📞 +974 5045 0466
💻 CoreMed Trading
✔️ October 10-12, 2025.
▶️ Vertebral Manipulations (Advanced Level)
📍 Buenos Aires, Argentina.
📧 fbalado85@gmail.com
📞 Fernando Balado +54 911 3170 9484
✔️ October 2-5, 2025.
▶️ Vertebral and Peripheral Manipulations.
📍 Viña del Mar, Chile.
📞 +56 9 8361 1640 or +56 9 6847 7060 Joaquin Adi & Anikken
✔️ February 20-21, 2025.
▶️ Basic Level Vertebral Manipulations.
📍 Bucharest, Romania.
📧 contact@veronatraining.com
📞 Antonio +40 729 119 135
✔️ February 22 – 23, 2025.
▶️ Vertebral Manipulations Advanced Level.
📍 Bucharest, Romania.
📧 contact@veronatraining.com
📞 Antonio +40 729 119 135
✔️ December 3-5, 2025.
▶️ Temporomandibular joint (ATM) Diagnosis and tratment.
📍 Toluca Mexico
📞 (+52) 722 587 3729 and (+52) 722 337 1741
💻 @cet.oficial
✔️ December 5-7, 2025.
▶️ Vertebral Manipulations Advanced Level.
📍 Toluca Mexico
📞 (+52) 722 587 3729 and (+52) 722 337 1741
💻 @cet.oficial
✔️ December 8-9, 2025.
▶️ Peripheral Manipulations
📍 Puebla de Zaragoza.
📧 contact Alan: alandanielft89@gmail.com
📞 +52 222 825 7172
📧 contact Alan: alandanielft89@gmail.com
📞 +52 222 825 7172
📍 Casablanca, Morocco.
📧 azzalarablamrini@gmail.com
📞 Ezz Al Arab +212 679 257250
✔️ May 16-18, 2025:
▶️ Vertebral Manipulations (Advanced Level)
📍 Porto, Portugal
📧 info@elitehealthacademy.pt
📞 João (+351) 966 696 711
✔️ November 27-29, 2025:
▶️ Lumbar Disc Hernias – Radiculopathy.
📍 Lisboa, Portugal
📧 info@elitehealthacademy.pt
📞 João (+351) 966 696 711
✔️ May 7-9, 2026:
📍 Oporto, Portugal
📧 info@elitehealthacademy.pt
📞 João (+351) 966 696 711
✔️ June 18-20, 2026:
📍 Oporto, Portugal
📧 info@elitehealthacademy.pt
📞 João (+351) 966 696 711
✔️ November 19-21, 2026:
📍 Oporto, Portugal
📧 info@elitehealthacademy.pt
📞 João (+351) 966 696 711
✔️ March 19-21, 2025.
▶️ Cervical Disc Herniations and Radiculopathies.
📍 Chequia
📧 chiroterapie@seznam.cz
📞 Jaroslav Procházka +420 730 45 50 50
✔️ March 21-23, 2025.
▶️ Advanced Level Vertebral Manipulations.
📍 Chequia
📧 chiroterapie@seznam.cz
📞 Jaroslav Procházka +420 730 45 50 50
✔ 14, 15 and 16 March 2025 Lumbar Manual Therapy and Osteopathy in Lumbar Disc Herniations – Radiculopathies and Lumbar Pathology .
CADAN School of Osteopathy Teléfono 📞 +421 948 768 564 📧 info@skolaosteopatie.sk
✔ 12, 13 and 14 September 2025 Osteopathy ADVANCED MANIPULATIONS OF THE CERVICAL SKULL, OCCIPITO-, ATLO-AXOID. Reservations:
CADAN School of Osteopathy Teléfono 📞 +421 948 768 564 📧 info@skolaosteopatie.sk
✔ 24, 25 and 26 October 2025
CADAN School of Osteopathy Teléfono 📞 +421 948 768 564 📧 info@skolaosteopatie.sk
✔ 12, 13 and 15 December 2025 (PENDING TO DETERMINE THE TOPIC)
Slovak School of Osteopathy Teléfono 📞 +421 948 768 564 📧 info@skolaosteopatie.sk
Slovak School of Osteopathy
📞 +421 948 768 564
📧 info@skolaosteopatie.sk
✔️January 30,31 y 1 February 2026.
▶️ Spinal Manipulations
📍 Uruguay
📧 amncrz@gmail.com
📞 +55 12 982529661 – +598 98 901 651 (Andre Novaes)
✔️ 23-24 APRIL 2025.
▶️ Internacional intensive course of spinal Manipulations.
📍Ciudad de Guatemala.
📧 higia.rehabilitacionfisica@gmail.com
📞 + 502 5900 0225 + 502 32480316 Daniel Mazariegos
✔18-20 March 2026
▶ Basic Level Spinal Manipulations
📧 adamsarmatov5@gmail.com
📞 Bookings: +79255600002
✔ 20-22 March 2026
▶ Peripheral Manipulations.
📧 adamsarmatov5@gmail.com
📞 Bookingss: +79255600002
✔️ April 17-19, 2025
▶️ Internacional Course on Spinal and Peripheral Joint Manipulations.
📍 Kuwait
📞 Dr Ahmed Wahb Alla📞 + 965 9793 2301
✔️ September 17-18, 2025:
▶️ International Certification in Spinal Manipultion (Advanced Level)
📍 Baghdad, Iraq 🇮🇶
📞 009647905879277 / 009647702984898
💻 Physio Skill Virtual Academy
✔️ September 19-20, 2025:
▶️ International Certification in Spinal and Peripherical Manipulation (Basic Level)
📍 Baghdad, Iraq 🇮🇶
📞 009647905879277 / 009647702984898
💻 Physio Skill Virtual Academy
📍 Dubai, UAE
📧 drmohammedanfal@gmail.com
📞 Dr. Mohammed Anfal N +91 – 9846046668
📧 Facebook
📞 +91 99285 68676 (Jo) Contact: Physiotrains
📞 +381 642862000 (Jovan Rogié)
💻 @osteas.academy

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