Manual therapy in cervical pain and cervical disc hernias - Instema, Formación para fisioterapeutas

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  1. Las plazas se otorgarán por riguroso orden de inscripción (plazas limitadas)
  2. No se considerará confirmada la plaza hasta que no se realice el pago del 50% de la matrícula. En caso de hacer el pago por transferencia bancaria, no se confirmará la plaza hasta recibir el justificante de la transferencia bancaria.
  3. El segundo pago (50% restante) debe realizarse 15 días antes del inicio del curso. También se puede realizar el pago completo del curso en el momento de la matrícula.
  4. Los datos personales necesarios para la preinscripción y posterior matrícula deberá rellenarlos en el formulario de matrícula. Del mismo modo, si es nuevo alumnos en Instema, deberá adjuntar una fotografía reciente y copia del DNI y del título de fisioterapeuta o carnet de colegiado.Los cursos van dirigidos exclusivamente a FISIOTERAPEUTAS. En ocasiones, pueden, algunos cursos también admiten a estudiantes de fisioterapia ( en este caso estará especificado en la información del curso)
  5. En caso de renuncia de la plaza, INSTEMA NO DEVOLVERÁ EL IMPORTE DEL CURSO, salvo si es cubierta por otro estudiante.
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  8. INSTEMA se reserva el derecho a modificar el programa y los requisitos de admisión.
  9. Durante los cursos se realizarán fotos y videos para su posterior uso corporativo en las redes sociales y la web de la empresa.

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    • Manual therapy in cervical pain and cervical disc hernias
    • Manual therapy in cervical pain and cervical disc hernias

    Manual therapy in cervical pain and cervical disc hernias


    Cervical pain is one of the most frequent causes for which patients go to our appointments, which is why this course aims to address the main syndromes in this region, among which I would highlight degenerative pathologies and vertebral disc prolapse, so how to know it differentiates between Nociceptive pain, Neuropathic pain and Complex pain.

    It will also be a question of establishing a relationship between cervical mechanical dysfunctions and associated symptoms such as headaches and cervicogenic dizziness.


    • Anatomical and biomechanical recovery of the cervical region
    • Neurophysiological Effects of Manual Therapy
    • How to interpret the Dolor and its relationship with the gravedad del process.
    • Cervicobrachialgia due to herniated disc.
    • Cervicoarthrosis.
    • Differential diagnosis

    • Anamnesis
    • Static and dynamic evaluation
    • Orthopedic and analytical tests of cervical mobility
    • Palpation of the different structures
    • Identification of possible causes

    • Articulation techniques
    • Manual muscle techniques
    • Manipulative techniques
    • Functional techniques


    • To increase the basic theoretical and practical knowledge of the physiotherapist in the structure and functioning of the Cráneo Cervical axis, as well as the interrelationship between these systems.
    • To provide the physiotherapist with the necessary assessment capacity of the Cervical region to establish a functional, joint, neuromuscular and more appropriate treatment assessment.
    • To make known to the physiotherapist the participation that causes cervical rachis in the appearance of headaches.
    • Learn how to make a correct diagnosis of Cervicogenic headaches through the best diagnostic tests based on evidence and correct clinical reasoning
    • Give the physiotherapist a series of therapeutic strategies to address the pain of Cervicogenic headache and associated disorders
    • Train the physiotherapist in the development of the necessary manual skills for the application of the learned techniques.